Amazon Warning

Amazon Warning

Although we have earned some revenue through the Amazon Associates scheme, we have noticed that for some individuals a high proportion (up to 80%) of purchases are NOT earning revenue.  On closer inspection this seems to be due to Amazon’s T&C’s which state that purchases are ineligible for fees if  “items were purchased through your links either by you or on your behalf, or by your friends, your relatives, or your associates

You have two choices:

  1. If the only reason you are purchasing from Amazon is to earn revenue for Severn Vale Badminton Club, then you might want to consider Amazon’s business practices and may choose to purchase elsewhere.
  2. If you definitely want to purchase from Amazon, then go-ahead using the link below, but be aware it might or might not not earn anything for Severn Vale Badminton Club. Maximise the chances by making sure nothing is already in your Amazon cart.  Then close the browser then revisit the link again, making the purchase immediately.

Severn Vale Badminton associate link to Amazon